Our camp is compound on a characteristic location surrounded by natural resources whose beauty left many inquisitive visitors of our canter breathless. Five islands which are intertwined with waterfalls and the river Una, form an amazing aspect of natural beauty. Precisely because of these facts we proudly carry the name “Most beautiful Camp on 5 islands of the river Una”.
Our camp, with its excellent team can offer you everything needed for an ideal holiday and pleasant leisure. The offer includes a spacious restaurant as well as an arranged garden by the river Una which represent tranquility, comfort, and domestic peace. Besides this, sanitary block is also included, facilities for recreation and many other accommodation options.
We consider our camp as a part of the river, it lives and breaths in symbiosis and shows the amazing beauty of the river to each visitor. Uniqueness is the main characteristic of this area in relation to other locations.
We promise that you will be related with a natural beauty which surrounds our camp for lifetime, no matter what kind of activity you choose, sunbathing or just chilling - it is your decision; what is principal is that the atmosphere with a look at the river in a shade of the forest and smell of the pure nature will help you discover a new part of yourself.
We guarantee good amusement in our central facility with live music, but always have other options like enjoying around the camp fire as well as other relaxing activities. What is crucial and essential in our camp is that you are the creator of your adventure at the river Una. You can follow our organisation which includes; organised parties after rafting, cycling, mountaineering, paintball, organised tours in order to visit some cultural and natural heritage, or you can be your own organiser, just choose. What is important is that everything is combined within your needs. Also, you can choose where you want to set up your tent in our camp, if you do not like camping in central camping shunt, you have the chance to enjoy in absolute privacy with your friends.
We would be delighted to host you in our camp, feel free to contact us if you need any additional advices.
Check out why rafting on the river Una is much more than usual rafting